Tuesday, April 26, 2011

loosing is the new winning.

As many, many people have stated before, the essential quality of San Antonio can be thought of as loosing.  I bring this up for several reasons, but mostly because our beloved Spurs (seed 1) have lost yet another game to Memphis (seed 8). 

Most cities would get down, give up and start looking for the next-nearest geographically located team to root for, but not here.  Loosing is so much a part of the River City that we practically expect it, even revel in it.  To laugh at one's defeat is the ultimate victory in some ways.  I mean, learn your lesson, get better and all - but don't get so caught up in being the best that you forget to have fun.  As the VF-2 Bounty Hunters taught me, "If You're Not Having Fun, You're Not Doing It Right."  Keep the next, cool, indy-, alt-, underground thing.  Gimme LoneStar and Robert Johnson, and I'll be fine.

Not that we don't care, or notice, defeat.  A co-worker who has lived and worked in several cities across the globe recently commented in all seriousness that only "Football in England" and "Cricket in India" come close to matching the dedication that San Antonians have to the Spurs.  These are our boys, and we want to see them do well.  We like their terrible acting in our commercials. We like the way they are never caught with blow or under-aged prostitutes.  We like that they shop at HEB.

So when we loose, do we get upset?  Possible, but it's hard to tell: bar tabs crawl ever higher regardless of if we're loosing or winning.  The crowds don't pour out into the streets until last call, one way or the other.  It's a blessed if you do, blessed if you don't outlook on life.  While so many teams, cities, people, heck - even our nation at large - try to be something the aren't (read: perpetual winners, #1, the best) San Antonio seems content to take things as they come.

Victory or Defeat, first round is on me.